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One White's Row Apartments (CL) *****

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44 Curzon Street ***

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Cityzenbooking is an online booking agency, exclusively dedicated to serviced apartments, for both leisure and business travelers.

The serviced apartments, also known as aparthotels, corporate housing or extended stay hotels, offers cost effective alternative to hotel, from 15% to 50% cheaper than equivalent hotel rooms, depending on the length of stay.

Whether the choice is a studio or 4 bedroom apartments, each apartment hotels offers space, comfort and amenities of home, all equipped with fitted kitchens, with the service of a hotel, including full laundry, exercise facilities and guest services. Established in 2009, Cityzenbooking offers a broad selection of city aparthotels and serviced apartments around the world, from independent to chain aparthotels providers, ranging from budget to luxury.

Cityzenbooking is available in Multilanguage and currencies and gives you instant availability and quotes over 1500 aparthotels in 40 countries. Cityzenbooking offers detailed information, user friendly website, ensuring the most effective way to find and book online an apartment hotel at the best price, for stays of a day, a week or several months; confirmation is immediate.

The reservation service is free of charge, and the reservation system is secured, guaranteeing your privacy.

Cityzenbooking is your best solution to find and book serviced apartments, whatever your needs. For more space, flexibility, a greater degree of privacy and significant savings, a serviced apartment is your home away from home.