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2 Apartahoteles Pantheon-St Michel

desde 79€
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+33(0)4 67 69 32 17

Gratis desde una línea fija. De lunes a viernes, 9:00-19:00 (18:00 el viernes)

Pantheon-St Michel:

2 Apartahoteles Pantheon-St Michel

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It's in the Latin Quarter of Paris, next to the stop Censier Daubenton you can enjoy modern apartments Parisian Home Metro. You are just minutes walk from the Botanical Gardens and the Gare d'Austerlitz. Each apartment is fully equipped and furnished with a kitchen, a living room with TV and a bathroom. The wireless internet is free. The 5th arrondissement is known for his Latin Quarter and its students. Also discover the Pantheon in Paris and the Institute of the Arab World. Note: ...
desde 79€
It's in the Latin Quarter of Paris, next to the metro stop Jussieu that you can enjoy this modern apartments Parisian Home. You are just minutes walk from the Botanical Gardens and the Gare d'Austerlitz. The apartment is fully equipped and furnished with a kitchen, a living room with TV and a bathroom. The wireless internet is free. The 5th arrondissement is known for his Latin Quarter and its students. Also discover the Pantheon in Paris and the Institute of the Arab World. Note: ...
desde 86€
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